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“F” is for Fault

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"I got my grades. They aren't good.  I'm not good."

A young person shared their progress in school with me recently. Sagging, slumping shoulders, voice cracking with disappointment- it was hard to watch. Their sorrow over the information in the report was palpable.

What was even harder to tolerate was the student's belief that the grades somehow were a complete reflection of themselves as a learner- maybe even a person. Somehow the letters, numbers and symbols displayed evidence of all of their efforts as a student to learn the content and concepts being taught.

Whose fault is it anyway, when a student gets poor grades? Is it the teacher? Is the teacher unable to present the material in a manner that supports the student's understanding?

Is it the student's fault? Are they not engaged enough? Is it the parents? Are they not involved enough?

In education there is always a ton of blame and fault to go around.

Think, too many cooks spoil the soup.

Every student will not get straight As but every student should feel as appreciated and supported as the A student in the learning environment.  The struggling student is not a lesser being because they may score less on assessments. 

Grades do not prove that someone or anyone is to blame or at fault for anything.  Grades are only a part of the recipe for success for a student. 

The combined efforts of the stakeholders will ensure that the recipe is adjusted to fit the student thereby allowing them to experience success.

Think, checking a recipe and removing or substituting allergens so a meal can be enjoyed by all intended parties🙂

Grades, when misinterpreted are sometimes used to suggest blame or as an indicator of fault in a student's lack of success. Students blame themselves for not understanding or being able to keep up. Parents and/or teachers blame the student for not trying hard enough. The correlation between the student's understanding and actions however can be quite hard to ignore. Think, someone preparing a recipe; seemingly following all of the steps but the meal turning out, not quite at planned.

There is indeed a cause for a student's lack of success and finding that cause and addressing that cause will take collaboration between the teacher, student, and parents. 

Fault-finding and blaming can delay students' progress as both behaviors are a hindrance to effective communication. It is the blend of knowledge, ideas and understanding that will lead to creative problem-solving and success for the student. 

Think having the perfect combination of flavors, the proper utensils for preparation and the right amount of kitchen space for a recipe.

"Grades and marks do not reflect the intelligence of individuals. Intelligence differs person to person and cannot be measured at the same scale." Muhammad Shahid Iqbal

That is not at all true. Grades do indeed provide important information but it is only part of the story.

Think list of ingredients but no steps or process for preparing a recipe.

Grades, when misinterpreted are sometimes used to suggest blame or as an indicator of fault in a student's lack of success. Students blame themselves for not understanding or being able to keep up. Parents and/or teachers blame the student for not trying hard enough. The correlation between the student's understanding and actions however can be quite hard o ignore.

Think, someone preparing a recipe; seemingly following all of the steps but the meal turning out, not quite as planned.

Whose fault is it anyway, when a student gets poor grades? Is it the teacher? Are they unable to present the material in a manner that supports the student's understanding? Is it the student's fault? Are they not engaged enough? Is it the parents? Are they not involved enough? In education there is always a ton of blame and fault to go around.

Think, too many cooks spoil the soup.

There is indeed a cause for a student's lack of success and finding that cause and addressing that cause will take collaboration between the teacher, student, and parents.  Fault-finding and blaming can delay students' progress as both behaviors are a hindrance to effective communication. It is the blend of knowledge, ideas and understanding that will lead to creative problem-solving and success for the student. 

Think having the perfect combination of flavors, the proper utensils for preparation and the right amount of kitchen space for a recipe.

Every student will not get straight As but every student should feel as appreciated and supported as the A student in the learning environment.  The struggling student is not a lesser being because they may score less on assessments.  Grades do not prove that someone or anyone is to blame or at fault for anything.  Grades are only a part of the recipe for success for a student.  The combined efforts of the stakeholders will ensure that the recipe is adjusted to fit the student thereby allowing them to experience success.

Think, checking a recipe and removing or substituting allergens so a meal can be enjoyed by all intended parties🙂