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This is the first summer that I have had off in 19 years. My stomach is in knots."

That is the reality of many teachers and related services providers.  Despite the sometimes promulgated perception that teachers enjoy carefree, breezy jaunts during the summer months, many of us are hard at work.

Summer brings warmer temperatures, backyard bbq's and visions of the sand and sea. It also brings skill reinforcement,  credit recovery and compensatory education.  Some of us are sipping  umbrella drinks by a pool. Others of us are reviewing calendar and weather concepts.

Think, "in what kind of weather would someone use an umbrella?"

Extended school year programs, grade preparation programs,  club practices,  all need teachers.

Speech, language, and motor aims require assiudity and providers.

Curriculum needs adapting, units need planning and teachers are needed too.

Some may perceive the education profession as providing a built in vacation. However, after closer inspection one may recognize that learning needs do not take a vacation and often neither do teachers.

Let's salute and recognize the teachers and providers that partner with families and students year round. The seasons may change but their commitment doesn't.

EVERY teacher, and every millisecond that they give to their students and their craft is special. 

Today we are pausing to acknowledge our four season educators and providers and their efforts.