The Most…?

The value of the role of all teachers has become very evident during these unprecedented times. The impact of teachers on families and students has become all the more evident as the partnership between home and school has had to become more collaborative.

Recently, the students with the, “most,” have received quite a lot of attention. The ones deemed the most needful of a learning experience that reflected knowledge and understanding of their learning needs should have an, “in-person,” learning environment. Learners at the most high(est) level of the needs hierarchy required a learning experience that prioritizes those needs.

It's hard to disagree with the reality that the current learning experience (s) are indeed lacking for some of our students. It is also true that some students more than others are experiencing significant challenge (s) in the virtual and hybrid learning environments.

Teachers are being called on to attend to the students with the, “most.”

Are these teachers the M. V. T's- The Most Valuable Teachers? Are these teachers deserving of the most consideration when opening and/or designing physical learning environments during these pandemic circumstances?

All teachers are valuable. Period. Full stop. All students are valuable to the exact same degree. The partnership between home and school is beyond invaluable.

Teachers and students are the most important partners in the learning environment with teaching and learning the most important priorities in the classroom.

The question may then be, how do we attend to the needs of all of our teachers and students? How can the superlative descriptions of student circumstances be used to help develop creative learning solutions as opposed to creating categories of vulnerability?

There remain more questions than answers but on the bright side, the beginning of learning is asking questions.


No Place for Hate


Duty, Safety and Teaching