Picture This

Conversations with your child's teacher are a necessary and beneficial part of the learning experience.

Sometimes however it can feel like one is walking into the unknown- unprepared and unsure.

In my experience both as a practitioner and a parent,  the conferences and/or conversations can seem to be over before they start.  There are so many questions to ask, so many parts of the learning process, so much information to exchange and remember. It can seem at times that what is meant to be a collaborative exchange can be reduced to a swapping of complaints.

Who  was talked to? What time is their class? What subject is taught? What did they say about your student?  It's a lot to remember for all participants.

What if there was a way to get (or give) a, "snapshot" of the learning experience?  Something that identifies what's working for the student and what can be strengthened- something that might help with turning the brief exchange of greetings and grades into an exchange of supportive ideas to [help] guide the student towards success.

The Teacher Conference Summary is that snapshot . The summary pages allow both teachers and parents to capture the key information about a student's learning experience. It also helps with identifying and devising appropriate goals for the student to achieve.

Use the summary pages to get a fuller picture of the learning experience for your student.

More than that, use the pages to create a collaborative relationship with the learning environment and empower your student to achieve their goals


To Sum it Up


And the Winner is…